Volunteer Information
Here is our Volunteer policy (detailed version can be found in our bylaws on this website):
- Volunteers must be active dues-paying IPTO members. You may complete membership on the LOGIN page.
- To become a co-chairperson of a committee, you must have volunteered in the Spring prior to the year you wish to co-chair.
- Co-chairpersons responsibilities include, but are not limited to, overall organization of the event or activity, financial management, coordination of volunteers, communications and status reports to the IPTO Board.
IPTO Committee
We have several committees within the IPTO and we are always looking for volunteers. For a complete list of our committees, please click here
Interested in Volunteering? Reach out to us at Itascapto@gmail.com
Because of YOU...
2021-2022 School Year
2020-2021 School Year
-Amazon Gift cards $100 to teacher and $50 to all other staff at the start of the school year.
-Principal and Assistant Principal gifts.
-Holiday pies from Always Catering and Deli given to all D10 staff before Winter Break.
-Holiday Gifts for the Bus Drivers
-Thank you banner for Mr. Benes and all staff at the District office.
-Always Catering and Deli lunch for all D10 teachers and staff.
-Lawn Signs for all schools and distric office for 20-21 School year.
-End of year lunch from Fox and Turtle for all Teachers and D10 staff.
2019-2020 School Year
The money raised last year by the IPTO went right back to our schools. Here are just some of the items purchased in each school:
Benson: Flexible Seating, Bee Bots for Media Center, Green Screen for iPads, Yoga Mats, Birthday Book Cart, future Author Visit.
Franzen: Projector Screen, HP Power of One Assembly, Young Authors Day Assembly, Birthday Book Cart, Safco Swivel Ball Chairs, Recess Equipment, Teacher Desks, Reading and Math Support Instructional Licences.
Peacock: Culturize (staff book study), No Red Ink (Online Grammar Subscription for all students), New projector for the gym, Markers for classrooms, Laminator for the library, new library books.